Sunday, June 10, 2012

It has officially been a week in Poitiers

Let me preface this with, this is going to be long... I have a week to catch up on in one post. 

Customs is a joke at CDG (Charles De Gaulle) I literally walked up to a window, the man stamped my passport and off I went. I got my bag and then found some Swiss airline attendants and asked them (in french) where the TGV (train) station was. I followed their directions and nervously navigated my way to the station upon which I found my lovely friends Grace, Erika, and Magda. I won't bore you all with my travel tales but I was that American girl with too much luggage who almost cried on the train because she felt like she couldn't do anything for herself. Needless to say that an Irish boy had to help me get my suitcase off the train. Had I not been so tired and embarrassed I would have hit on him (sorry mom, but he had the eyes and the accent). 

Mme took us to dinner and I have to say that my first meal with a Nicoise Salade and I was one happy girl. It is one of my favorite dishes and I have never eaten a bad one. We were without Internet in the dorms for 24 full hours (none of us were happy) and apparently WiFi signals aren't free in Europe... I was not prepared for that. After class on Monday we went to Monoprix (french target) to buy groceries and other necessary items. Then I walked back into town a few times with some of the girls even though I didn't actually need anything. It was fun to look at it all. The first days blended together because I was so tired and almost unaware of how quickly time was moving. On Tuesday a few of us went to the Botanical Gardens. It was glorious. I sat in the grass, listened to John Mayer's Born and Raised and wrote for two hours. I was in heaven. 

The next day was my first day at my internship. It is a volunteer position at a community center in West Poitiers called La Blaiserie. It helps handicapped people, underprivileged people, African women, and young people who are in need throughout the community of West Poitiers. I am sure I will do an entire post about the place once my work is done because there is a lot to say. Most people there don't speak english at all and that is difficult. They probably thought that I was illiterate because I barely spoke the first day. I was so overtired and nervous that it made my shell shocked. I was also noticeably overdressed and this is a place where it is better to fit in instead of stand out in a hot pink skirt, headband, military jacket, and ballet flats (yes I looked like a JCrew ad). The second day was better because we helped African women in the Epiceriee (little market) cook food for the big street festival the center was putting on. I was able to watch one of their children for a little while and that was really nice because I have missed my little munchkins at The Dailey Method. Her name was Fanta and she was dirty but still incredibly cute. Even with language barriers children are more adept with reading eyes and body language, it was clear that she and I became fast friends. We went back there the next day and helped cook for the entire time. It was a lot of fun and honestly the more I go back, the more I like it. 

I am a bit homesick, but I think its normal because it really has only been a week. I have things to get used too and things to learn, but such is the beauty of life. I sat at the festival last night and I was holding back tears because I missed home. I began to realize that I was complaining and being a basket of "White Girl Problems" in the worst possible way. I looked around at these children who basically have nothing yet they were smiling and having the time of their lives while I was upset because I miss Starbucks, my treadmill, my family, and being able to verbalize what I was feeling in a familiar language. I was mad at myself because I was taking this amazing opportunity for granted. 

Here are some pictures of the town. To my family and friends I miss and love you all very much!!! 

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Bound for Poitiers

Hello all!
I know it has been a while, but this semester has been incredibly busy. I am off to spend a month studying and doing an internship in Poitiers, France. I leave today and I must say that I am incredibly nervous. I haven't really thought all that hard about the fact that I have never (at 22) been away from home for very long. I wasn't ready at 18 to go away to school. My brain is running about 100 miles an hour or should I say kilometers per hour... I have mixed emotions because my anxiety is running at full speed. I am embarking on an adventure that I cannot wait to share with everyone! 

Email me, tweet me, or skype me if you would like to stay in touch. I promise to post pics soon! I thought about doing the packing process but it was not pretty and no one aside from my friend Christopher needed to actually see me (the pack rat herself) attempt to decide what outfits and accessories to rotate for an entire month!

As always, be classy, be sassy, be fabulous and keep the faith! 

One of my favorite websites does a quote of the day and today it is oddly fitting so I thought I would share it with you!

"Not till we are lost do we begin to find ourselves". For my first two years of college I was a little lost, but with the switch of a major and a lot of growing up I began that process. Here is hoping that I get myself lost, but find more strength within myself.

A Bientot!!


Monday, December 19, 2011

Tis the season to be jolly... right?

Tis the season to be jolly, stressed, grumpy, drunky, and oh yeah completely on top of everything while attempting to look your best at all times. This is a lot to deal with ladies, here are a few tricks I have picked up over the years.

Rules for makeup and hair
1. keep it simple
2. black eye-liner and red lips work wonders this time of year
3. keep powder, lip balm, and concealer with you at all times
4. dry shampoo and de-frizz products are your best friend
5. wash your hair with dandruff shampoo, you may not think you have a dry scalp but its winter and its cold... everything is dry, just because you cannot see it doesnt mean that it's not there.
6. if you style your hair daily attempt to go a couple of days without washing your hair. You may think it is dirty, but it is most likely just your scalp. throw on some baby powder over night, sleep with a scarf around your hair and wake up oil free. the baby powder will absorb the oil and you will save your hair some pain by keeping the heat off for at least a day
7. do not take long hot showers, it will dry out your skin
8. moisturize right after you get out of the shower when your skin is still wet. the lotion will lock in the moisture that is still on your skin.
9. use eye cream
10. now is the time to use cream blush, it will enhance your natural rosy wintery flush and hey rosy cheeks are cute right?

Rules for clothing
1. light layers
2. if you're like me then your coats are more for fashion and less for function, accessorize with scarves, hats, and gloves. less may be more but more is warmer...
3. if you CANNOT hoof it in heals please DO NOT try. Clomping around is bad for your ankles and hard on everyone else's ears and eyes. flats are super cute and easier to handle in bad weather.
4. step away from the pant hose, shave your legs, throw on some lotion and if you really think you need to wear flesh colored rights under that dress find some that are invisible or buy some Sally Hansen spray on hose. It is basically sunless tanner but it does the job. (TRUST ME)
5. ugly christmas sweaters are for kindergarten teachers, old ladies and ugly christmas sweater parties

Staying happy
1. smile
2. do not feel like you have to accept every invitation
3. buy yourself a little something, you worked hard this year and you deserve it!
4. set a spending limit on gifts and if you are at a complete loss go with old standbys because they work for a reason.
5. I find that the best gifts given are ones that you are tempted to keep for yourself or that you hope someone would give you.
6. work out daily and eat fruits and veggies
7. sleep is your friend, it will keep you from snapping at family members
8. keep the heavy drinking to a minimum. here is a link to healthy and not so naughty christmas cocktails!
Its time for me to hit the gym and then do some more studying! I will post Christmas decorations this week and look out for a Daily Method post. I have my first day tomorrow!

And remember when all else fails: grab some friends, go ice skating and come back to make cookies, drink coco and watch Christmas movies.

The Aly Way: I'm Back! And I have a big day tomorrow...

My lovely friend Aly has officially graduated!!!! I am so proud of her! She is my blog-spiration!

The Aly Way: I'm Back! And I have a big day tomorrow...: Tomorrow, December 16, 2011, I become a college graduate! It is hard to believe. These past 3.5 years  have literally flown by. Today I turn...

Friday, December 16, 2011

Airports and 5:30 AM wakeup calls

Hello All,
It is wedding weekend in the middle of finals... Trust me I am not complaining, the worst is behind me when it comes to finals. I am finally finished with sustainable energy, journalism, media and society, and french. All I have left is one final on tuesday and a presentation monday morning and then it is sweet freedom!!!
Last night as I repacked for the second time, I was informed that if I was not ready to walk out the door by 6:15 that my parents would be leaving without me. I very intelligently decided to lay out all facets of my ensemble to make the morning a tad less hectic. Here is what I came up with.
My favorite banana republic leopard print camel hair headband
Etienne Aigner black riding boots
H&M grey sweater tunic, so comfy and so warm! Underneath the tunic I wore Hue Leggings, I must say ladies these are super warm and do not pill in the wash! 
Gap bow belt, mine is in black of course, but the picture only showed brown... 

I would say I did a pretty good job for 5:30 in the morning. I find wearing sweatpants to the airport appalling. I think it is a tad rude and very crass unless you are on a red-eye or are heading abroad, but please stash a change of clothes in your carry-on, I beg of you! I have only done it once and I was going to Europe. I was juvenile and let's just say a tad challenged in the fashion department. Juicy Couture sweats were all the rage and I found a knockoff outfit at Express. I thank the lord that my mother did not document that moment of our trip.

I do not know how anyone else feels but I thoroughly enjoy watching people at airports. There are many people who are airport security neophytes or just plain stupid when it comes to traveling. This morning a woman and her husband were walking through the metal detector so slowly that it looked like they were walking backwards. Let's just say that people were less than pleased. I was saddened by the fact that I did not see any children on leashes. I always find that amusing.

Alright, I must be off. It is time to nap before I have to start getting myself ready for this evenings festivities!

Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Lately I find myself wanting to get back into recreational writing. For those of you who are not familiar with this type of writing, I generally define it as any form of personal prose that is not school related. I used to do this all the time in high school, but when I got to college that hobby (like many others) fell to the wayside as school, boys, friends, and cough cough going out got in the way. During Christmas break I will hopefully start this again. I have been told that I am a genuinely good writer, but I find myself full of anxiety when turning in papers and asking people to edit my work. Writing is very personal to me. It truly is an expression of the soul. Sex and the City makes it look so easy. My eventual goal in life is to start my own magazine. It has been a dream of mine for a long time. The written word moves me in many ways. It is where I find a lot of my inspiration. Writing is eternal, it never dies. Classic authors are still around because their work was important and is continuously passed on. There is so much beauty in that because the written word keeps us grounded. We are brought back to our primitive roots. Sure the art form has technically and commercially, but it is still at its core simple and pure in nature. As I was perusing some of my favorite websites I found some great quotes that I thought I would share.

Enjoy the crisp, sunny day! 

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Elizabeth and James and The Row

Hello All,
Just a quick post today before I get back to the grind to prepare for a presentation.
Two of my favorite celebrity fashion lines are Elizabeth and James and The Row. Both lines are designed by the Olsen Twins. I grew up with these ladies, I wanted to be them in every possible way. When Mary-Kate dealt with her eating disorder, I wished for her quick recovery. Watching both girls deal with this humanized them and made them relatable rather than aspirational.
Here are a few of my favorite pieces from each line's most recent collection. The style is young, beautiful, and very simple. The bits of flashy details do not feel like ornamentation but rather an organic part of the garments.

First we have Elizabeth and James

And now for The Row- they did the entire 2012 resort collection in different shades and textures of white!
Gorgeous right?! I cannot get enough of either collection!!

Enjoy the snow flurries today, they are making everything sparkle!
